

Monday, December 7, 2009

Liquid, solid, gas, and... PLASMA!!!

Picture it... a party. You're going down the snack bar and you see soda, chips, helium filled balloons, a plasma screen tv,and oddly
you see two chimps making out. Trying to put that image out of your mind (AHHHHH CHIMPS!) you start thinking about the four states of matter. since you are affected by Skitzophrenia and Pneumolultramicroscopicsilavolcaneosis, I'll write what the voices say.
Voice 1: You're ugly.
You: Shut up! I thought we settled this the last time!
Voice 2: You can never get rid of us...
Voice 1: BTW have you like ever heard of the four types of matter?
You: Uhhhh.... No. What are they?
Voice 2: Solids.
Voice 1: Like chips.
Voice 2: Liquids.
Voice 1: Like soda totally.
Voice 2: Gas.
Voice 1: I like got nothin' cool for that.
(You hear that kids gas isn't cool, and that means fart jokes aren't funny,)
(Fooled yah, they are. Toilet humor for ever.)
Voice 2: And finally plasma.
Voice 1: Yay, like Gray's anatomy is on and we have like a plasma screen TV. Yeah.
You: YES!! I finally got the kissing monkeys out of my mind! Wait... NOOOOOOO!!!!!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

How atoms and molecules are part of heat transfer

Atoms and MOLEcules are part of heat transfer.  Heat is when the atoms in the MOLEcules are MOVING!!! AND MOVING FAST!!!  FAST!!!  ZOOOM!!!  Oh.  Well, anyhow, heat is transfered from one atom to another when they BUMP!!!  BUMP!!!!  AAH!!!  And in that way, the atoms all vibrate at the same speed!  Like gossip it spreads!  WHOA!!!
Here is a video of BILL!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Radiation is the transfer of heat through indirect rays, like sunlight, or microwaves on POPCORN AND EXPLODING POTATOES!!!!  Radiation is energy traveling in its most pure form, in waves.  Waves are pure energy, but they are not atoms.  They are just vibrations flowing though space.  Well, since heat is energy, and energy can be waves, then heat can travel in waves!  In that way, POPCORN gets cooked by microwaves!!!  Alternately, if you don't like science that much, did you know that when POPCORN pops it's really turning inside out?  Also, if you like exploding things in microwaves, don't use jawbreakers.  Jawbreakers are in different layers and they store heat, so they get to temperatures that can give you third degree burns!! Some people may think that conduction is the best way to transfer heat but third degree burns take a huge amount of heat.
Suck on that conduction!!!! Oh, and by the way POPCORN!!!! And... and... EXPLODING POTATOES!!!!

Convection and... DUMPLINGS!!!!

Convection is the transfer of heat through air or liquid currents, or like steam or fog around DUMPLINGS!!!  Steam in a steamer will cook the DUMPLINGS!!!!  Also, air and water heating systems are based on the concept of convection but more specifically convection currents. These currents are created by the simple fact that hot molecules are less dense so the hot air or water will rise from your furnace and then come back down when it cools.  This is why you need a heating system to cook DUMPLINGS!!!!!!! 

Conduction and... PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!

Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact, or atoms directly touching another atom. Examples of this can be seen at a stove. When we cook pancakes, mmmmmmm pancakes, the (mmmmm) pancakes touch the pan that touches the stove. The stove emits heat, which is the movement of atoms in molecules, so that's why I'm hot! (that's why I'm hot!) that's why I'm hot!

mmmm pancakes pancakey goodness, which was cooked by... by.... what?  Oh right, conduction, not to be confused with convection or conducktion, the process of heating up ducks!!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

first post

hello this blog is about the multiple transfer types of heat. the three types of heat transfer are radiation, convection,and conduction. oh and by the way thank you for reading this blog.