

Monday, December 7, 2009

Liquid, solid, gas, and... PLASMA!!!

Picture it... a party. You're going down the snack bar and you see soda, chips, helium filled balloons, a plasma screen tv,and oddly
you see two chimps making out. Trying to put that image out of your mind (AHHHHH CHIMPS!) you start thinking about the four states of matter. since you are affected by Skitzophrenia and Pneumolultramicroscopicsilavolcaneosis, I'll write what the voices say.
Voice 1: You're ugly.
You: Shut up! I thought we settled this the last time!
Voice 2: You can never get rid of us...
Voice 1: BTW have you like ever heard of the four types of matter?
You: Uhhhh.... No. What are they?
Voice 2: Solids.
Voice 1: Like chips.
Voice 2: Liquids.
Voice 1: Like soda totally.
Voice 2: Gas.
Voice 1: I like got nothin' cool for that.
(You hear that kids gas isn't cool, and that means fart jokes aren't funny,)
(Fooled yah, they are. Toilet humor for ever.)
Voice 2: And finally plasma.
Voice 1: Yay, like Gray's anatomy is on and we have like a plasma screen TV. Yeah.
You: YES!! I finally got the kissing monkeys out of my mind! Wait... NOOOOOOO!!!!!


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